Corporate Governance Aligned to King IV Principles



  • Principle 7 – The governing body should comprise the appropriate balance of knowledge, skills, experience, diversity, and independence for it to discharge its governance role and responsibilities objectively and effectively


  • Effective governance structures

Director induction, training, and development

Board of Directors visit to Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya
  • The Board considers that the development of industry and Fund knowledge is a continuous and ongoing process. Upon joining the Fund, each Director undertakes an induction programme to further their understanding of the nature of the Fund, its business, and the environment in which it operates, and enhance their knowledge of the Fund’s operations and staff. The induction programme is tailored to each new director, depending on individual experience and background
  • The 12th Board was inducted on 9 September 2021 by members of the Executive Committee (EXCO). Following the amendment of the NSSF Act, two directors Julius Bahemuka and Fred Bamwesigye resigned, and two new directors were appointed, that is Annet Nakawunde Mulindwa and Annet Birungi. They were inducted by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and members of the EXCO on 11 March 2022
  • The Corporation Secretary maintains the Directors’ annual training records for regular review by the Board

In addition to Directors’ attendance at meetings and review of relevant materials provided by Management during the year, they attended professional training to enhance their skills and knowledge as set out below:

Board Training and Attendance


International Labour Organisation Conference (Geneva, Switzerland)


27 May–11 June 2022


  • Aggrey David Kibenge
  • Annet Birungi
  • Lwabayi Hassan Mudiba
  • Peninnah Tukamwesiga
  • Dr.Sam Lyomoki

Training details

This was a conference which attracted delegates from member states. The event therefore offers a myriad of engagements within the tripartite framework globally through engaging with delegates on the social protection laws and other factors in the world of work.

The Fund was represented by the 4 workers’ representatives on the Board and the Permanent Secretary, Minister of Gender, Labour, and Social Development.

The representatives interacted with the ILO Social Protection Department, and they agreed to:
  • Support the Ministry of Gender to ratify the social security minimum standard convention 1952 (No. 102)
  • Help the NSSF in the improvement of fiscal space for social protection and assessing financial options
  • Continue engagements with NSSF to develop a comprehensive social health protection for Uganda
  • Design and manage tailor-made technical capacity programmes with partners in Uganda


Esami Training- Proactive Management

(Arusha, Tanzania)


11–29 April 2022


  • Annet Birungi
  • Sam Lyomoki
  • Peninnah Tukamwesiga
  • Lwabayi Hassan Mudiba

Training details

The training was attended by the 4 Workers Representatives on the Board and covered modern proactive management which concerns the shifting of management thinking and practice and the evolution of management from the industrial revolution that is the 19th century to date.

The main topics covered were:

  • Evolution of management
  • Agility and leading for tomorrow
  • The future of work and leadership
  • Managing and leadership for the future
  • Redefining leadership to achieve a high-performance team
  • Strategic thinking
  • Proactive stakeholder management


Balanced Scorecard Training

Board and Management Strategy Session


17–19 February 2022


  • Peter Kimbowa
  • Aggrey David Kibenge
  • Patrick Ocailap
  • Silver Mugisha
  • Sam Lyomoki
  • Peninnah Tukamwesiga
  • Lwabayi Hassan Mudiba
  • Richard Byarugaba 

Training details

The Board reviewed the Fund’s performance management system and identified areas for improvement and alignment to the organisation’s agility and the Fund’s main purpose, which is to enable members to meet their social security needs.

The focus of this training was:

  • Understanding the basic concepts of performance management and measurement
  • Overview of the Balanced Scorecard Strategic Management System
  • Creating a shared understanding of the NSSF Balanced Scorecard among Board members
  • Strengthening the NSSF Balanced Scorecard Performance Management System

Continuous Professional Development Programme

As part of the Continuous Professional Development Programme, the Board members from time to time receive presentations from senior executives in the Fund on significant matters. The Fund also arranges appropriate regional branch visits and seminars covering the Fund’s operations, the industry and governance matters for the Directors to facilitate their understanding of the Fund business and risks associated with the Fund’s operations.


The Board and Management also periodically meet to discuss the strategy of the Fund and how best it can be aligned to the needs of the members.


Continuous development of the Board and Management remains a key area in a bid to improve corporate governance. In the year under review, the Board, EXCO together with the Internal Audit, Risk and Legal and Board Affairs Department were trained in Integrated Reporting and Combined Assurance.


This has enhanced the level of reporting by Management to the Board, thus strengthening leadership capability and focusing on strategic issues.

The Assurance Departments have also devised a work plan to strengthen collaboration of the assurance functions in executing their assurance roles, but at the same time not impairing their independence.