No matter what stage of life you are in, one thing will always remain the same. It is never too late or too early to save. Your age is one of the many factors in your personal financial picture. But do not get discouraged if you have not started yet, hit the pause button, and get back on track.
While financial needs and responsibilities are unique from person to person, financial priorities do vary according to stages in life.
Whereas your income may be low during this period, time is on your side. Invest in yourself and start a continuous savings plan. This is the time to start building a strong financial foundation and establishing your savings. It is not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for. Regardless of how young you are, learn to live within your means and look forward to the future. Start saving as much as you can – small amounts can earn you worthwhile compound interest.
You can start saving for your retirement with NSSF from as young as 16 years by registering as a new member →
In your 30’s, you should be settling into your career and growing your income base. Rather than planning to withdraw your retirement savings, preserve them in profitable investments. Be smart about your bonuses or promotions and use the extra money to grow your retirement savings. If you find your dream home and need financing, a 15-year mortgage is ideal since you have up to 45 years to settle it. This big commitment secures a home for your retirement and gives you room to save exclusively for retirement in the years to come.
You can make your tomorrow better by enrolling on the NSSF voluntary savings programme through voluntary membership →
If you have not started saving for retirement, you are going to have to make some tough choices. In your 40’s you are probably “sandwiched” between saving for your children’s education and medical bills, perhaps even supporting your elderly parents. Consider your passion by starting another stream of income. One which you can continue doing even in your retirement. Invest in your physical and mental well-being.
Having saved for at least 10 years and you are 45 years and above, you may access your midterm benefits of a sum not exceeding 20% of your accrued benefits through midterm benefits to boost your investments →
You are now at the peak of your career and looking towards impending retirement. As this milestone gets closer, ensure you do not enter your retirement years with debt. This is the decade to pay off existing debt and increase retirement savings. At this stage, investment goals are more geared to consistent cashflows; therefore, traditional and passive investment tools can be utilised such as government bonds, treasury bills, insurance products etc. Ideally, start to think about how you want to enjoy your retirement.
In your diamond age, be sure to find out exactly what your income is, and plan and review your budget. Carefully manage your money to ensure sustainability for the coming years. You can still invest in risk-averse and short-term products that can allow you to access your money in case of unforeseen emergencies, especially medical ones.
Building wealth and planning your retirement takes focus and dedication. Use retirement planning tools to track and manage your financial strategies.
The Fund is in the process of developing short-term products which are now made possible through the NSSF Amendment Act 2022.