During the year, we prioritised the following objectives:
33% Reduction in energy consumption
100% of the waste from our buildings was diverted to KCCA pipelines in accordance with the City Council Solid Waste Management Ordinance of 2000
Minimising environmental impacts of our physical real estate projects
The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.
- Lady Bird Johnson
During the year, we prioritised the following objectives:
33% Reduction in energy consumption
100% of the waste from our buildings was diverted to KCCA pipelines in accordance with the City Council Solid Waste Management Ordinance of 2000
Minimising environmental impacts of our physical real estate projects
The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.
- Lady Bird Johnson
Management recognises that the effects of climate change and global warming can translate into financial risk for our business and the communities in which we operate. The Fund, therefore, implemented the initiatives below to combat climate change effects:
Management recognises that the effects of climate change and global warming can translate into financial risk for our business and the communities in which we operate. The Fund, therefore, implemented the initiatives below to combat climate change effects:
We have implemented several efficiency measures across our operations. The Fund is committed to continual improvement in Energy Management Performance through the prevention of energy wastage and compliance with local and national energy legislative and regulatory requirements. Electricity is the major source of energy supply to buildings owned by the Fund. This electrical power is supplied directly to the buildings by a UMEME distribution feeder, and it also has standby power diesel generators.
We have implemented several efficiency measures across our operations. The Fund is committed to continual improvement in Energy Management Performance through the prevention of energy wastage and compliance with local and national energy legislative and regulatory requirements. Electricity is the major source of energy supply to buildings owned by the Fund. This electrical power is supplied directly to the buildings by a UMEME distribution feeder, and it also has standby power diesel generators.