Social Responsibility
Key Staff Developments in FY2022

Milton Owor


Social Responsibility
Key Staff Developments in FY2022

Milton Owor


At the Fund, we recognise that our staff are the engine of our success and sustainable growth. We focus on creating an enabling environment where staff are fully engaged, respected, and are enabled to consistently perform to their best ability. This is supported by appropriate development interventions and an equitable, competitive reward system, to drive intrinsic satisfaction and engagement. In this way, our staff consistently volunteer their discretionary energy and commitment to deliver Fund strategy and social responsibility interventions, to their best ability.

At the Fund, we recognise that our staff are the engine of our success and sustainable growth. We focus on creating an enabling environment where staff are fully engaged, respected, and are enabled to consistently perform to their best ability. This is supported by appropriate development interventions and an equitable, competitive reward system, to drive intrinsic satisfaction and engagement. In this way, our staff consistently volunteer their discretionary energy and commitment to deliver Fund strategy and social responsibility interventions, to their best ability.

Changes in our business environment

In the past year, we continued to work under exceptional, unprecedented circumstances, mainly driven by the Covid-19 pandemic and changes in our business environment. This drastically changed the way we work, and even the very concept of work itself. A large number of our staff continued to work from home for extended periods. While leveraging the benefits of this new flexi work approach, we also dealt with the challenges it presents, including personal effectiveness challenges, and work-life balance concerns, all of which resulted in heightened stress for staff. Leaders at the Fund have had to adapt their leadership style, so that they remain fully present and proactively supportive of their teams, even when they work remotely. 

Changes in our business environment

In the past year, we continued to work under exceptional, unprecedented circumstances, mainly driven by the Covid-19 pandemic and changes in our business environment. This drastically changed the way we work, and even the very concept of work itself. A large number of our staff continued to work from home for extended periods. While leveraging the benefits of this new flexi work approach, we also dealt with the challenges it presents, including personal effectiveness challenges, and work-life balance concerns, all of which resulted in heightened stress for staff. Leaders at the Fund have had to adapt their leadership style, so that they remain fully present and proactively supportive of their teams, even when they work remotely. 

Development opportunities

As we emerge from the unprecedented challenges of Covid 19, we have focused on empowering and enabling our staff to take charge of their future, in a holistic manner. To this end, we have focused on employee development and growth, wellness, ubiquity, and creating an environment where everyone is a winner, among others. This is in line with our strategic pillars – driving a high-performance culture in the organisation and strategic talent management.

We provided a broad range of learning opportunities to our staff, leveraging Percipio, our online learning platform. We delivered 100% of our annual learning and development plan, continued with executive coaching for EXCO, delivered design-thinking to our senior managers, and trained a large section of our staff on Financial Advisory as well as digital upskilling across the board. As a result, 81% of growth opportunities were filled by internal staff.  

Development opportunities

As we emerge from the unprecedented challenges of Covid 19, we have focused on empowering and enabling our staff to take charge of their future, in a holistic manner. To this end, we have focused on employee development and growth, wellness, ubiquity, and creating an environment where everyone is a winner, among others. This is in line with our strategic pillars – driving a high-performance culture in the organisation and strategic talent management.

We provided a broad range of learning opportunities to our staff, leveraging Percipio, our online learning platform. We delivered 100% of our annual learning and development plan, continued with executive coaching for EXCO, delivered design-thinking to our senior managers, and trained a large section of our staff on Financial Advisory as well as digital upskilling across the board. As a result, 81% of growth opportunities were filled by internal staff.  

Recognition and reward

In driving high performance, we continue to leverage our reward framework to ensure we remain market competitive.  We maintain the right balance between guaranteed and flexible pay, so staff and teams that perform strongly are accordingly rewarded. We continue to invest more in variable pay to enable us to drive performance more directly. We have also introduced more agility in our performance management so that staff working in high-impact project teams can be recognised and rewarded accordingly.


Recognition and reward

In driving high performance, we continue to leverage our reward framework to ensure we remain market competitive.  We maintain the right balance between guaranteed and flexible pay, so staff and teams that perform strongly are accordingly rewarded. We continue to invest more in variable pay to enable us to drive performance more directly. We have also introduced more agility in our performance management so that staff working in high-impact project teams can be recognised and rewarded accordingly.


Agile structure

Due to the changes in our business environment, driven by the NSSF Amendment Act 2022, investment in technology, and a new work culture underpinned by innovation, we are implementing a new, agile organisation structure that enables us to remain nimble and well positioned to maximise the new business opportunities before us.

Outlook for the year ahead

Our focus will be on embedding the new organisational structure (and the related change management), re-skilling and re-deployment, DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), introducing an agile performance management system and commissioning a new HR system.

Agile structure

Due to the changes in our business environment, driven by the NSSF Amendment Act 2022, investment in technology, and a new work culture underpinned by innovation, we are implementing a new, agile organisation structure that enables us to remain nimble and well positioned to maximise the new business opportunities before us.

Outlook for the year ahead

Our focus will be on embedding the new organisational structure (and the related change management), re-skilling and re-deployment, DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion), introducing an agile performance management system and commissioning a new HR system.