The report drafts are reviewed by a formalised IR Forum before these are tabled with the Executive Committee and then finally recommended by the Audit and Compliance Committee and approved by the Board. The Board ensures the integrity of the integrated report through our integrated reporting process, with the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee ensuring that the appropriate assurances are provided by the Executive Committee, internal audit, external audit, and independent service providers.
The Board participates in annual sessions that provide an update on the requirements of the International <IR> Framework.
We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that there are processes in place that ensure the integrity and credibility of the integrated report. In particular:
The systems, procedures and controls include structures and processes that ensure diversity of input, and checks and balances, including the system of internal controls, and the use of credible sources for information, and are considered adequate and effective to ensure the completeness and accuracy of information.
There is an appropriate allocation of responsibility to ensure that information reported on is based on the inputs, collation and review of subject matter experts, internal and external assurance providers, responsible executives, with various work groups and committees having oversight over the process under the guidance of a project leader appointed from senior leadership.
There has been adequate oversight and involvement of the governing body, and, inrespect of the approval of the preparation process, materiality determination process, setting of the parameters for the boundary of the report, and final review and approval of the content by the governing body committee and governing body itself.
Dr. Peter Kimbowa