Reporting Frameworks

Our integrated report is guided by various codes and standards as follows:

King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa (King IV)

UK (United Kingdom) combined Code on Corporate Governance

Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority Act and the NSSF Act

International <IR>
Global Reporting Initiative
(GRI standards)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Maintaining Alignment to the International integrated Reporting Framework

The Board participates in annual sessions that provide an update on the requirements of the International <IR> Framework. Sessions are also held with new members appointed to the IR Forum.

Maintaining Alignment to the International integrated Reporting Framework

The Board participates in annual sessions that provide an update on the requirements of the International <IR> Framework. Sessions are also held with new members appointed to the IR Forum.

Our Approach to Value Creation, Preservation,
and Erosion

Our financial, human, manufactured, intellectual, social and relationship, and natural capitals facilitate every aspect of our business and our ability to create long-term value.


We have accordingly defined our structure, activities, and performance against our strategy in this report in terms of these six capitals. Value creation, preservation, and erosion are the consequences of how we apply and leverage our capitals as part of our strategy execution and are evident in how these capitals change over time


We create value and make lives better by passionately dedicating ourselves to make saving a way of life, to enable more and more people to improve their well-being and take charge of their financial future.


The Board ensures value preservation by safeguarding it’s stakeholder interests and enhancing long-term value through responsible decision making, considering the wider impact of environmental and social and governance (ESG) factors, to maintain stability and future economic growth.


The Board defends against damage to stakeholder value including value erosion, reduction and destruction by leveraging our capitals as part of our business model and strategy. Careful consideration is applied to the relationship between the capitals we use or affect, and the potential trade-offs inherent in our strategic choices.

integrated thinking

Integrated thinking helps us to expand the boundaries of our mindset, seeing ourselves as part of a larger system and considering the wider impact of our decisions, beyond short term financial rewards.
The Fund embraces integrated thinking and with the enduring effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is through our strong stakeholder relations, robust risk mitigation processes, strong governance, how we care for our people and stakeholders, ongoing effective transparent communication, and embracing opportunities for digital innovation, and acting with agility to respond to the new provisions of the NSSF Amendment Act 2022 that has ensured our business has remained resilient.

integrated report recognition

The Institute of Certified Public Accountants (ICPAU), the Uganda Securities Exchange (USE), and the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) host the Financial Reporting (FiRe) Awards on an annual basis. Last year we were extremely excited to enter our inaugural digital report for consideration of an award.


We were both humbled and honoured to receive the gold award for overall winner at the 11th Financial Reporting (FiRe) Awards and remain committed to continually improve our corporate reporting.