Social Responsibility
Key Staff initiatives

Social Responsibility Key Staff initiatives

Health, safety and well-being

Our employees participating in the Annual Staff Conference


Overall employee wellness remains a key focus for us. This encompasses physical, social, emotional and financial well-being. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, we took measures to ensure our employees could continue to work safely and feel supported. We continue to implement remedial wellness interventions, arising from the outcomes of our wellness baseline survey done in the last financial year.


The Fund is committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for our employees. We do so by complying with all applicable legislation and regulatory and supervisory requirements.


The Fund has established an occupational, health and safety section in the Human Resources Department to enhance employee health and wellness. This has been pivotal in establishing and maintaining Covid-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).


We strongly believe a safe and healthy work place is crucial for employees to productively deliver desired services to valued customers. Our offices are designed to provide a healthy ambience characterised by a secure and hygienic environment.

Health, safety and well-being

Our employees participating in the Annual Staff Conference


Overall employee wellness remains a key focus for us. This encompasses physical, social, emotional and financial well-being. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, we took measures to ensure our employees could continue to work safely and feel supported. We continue to implement remedial wellness interventions, arising from the outcomes of our wellness baseline survey done in the last financial year.


The Fund is committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for our employees. We do so by complying with all applicable legislation and regulatory and supervisory requirements.


The Fund has established an occupational, health and safety section in the Human Resources Department to enhance employee health and wellness. This has been pivotal in establishing and maintaining Covid-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).


We strongly believe a safe and healthy work place is crucial for employees to productively deliver desired services to valued customers. Our offices are designed to provide a healthy ambience characterised by a secure and hygienic environment.

Wellness programme

The Fund has a wellness and fitness programme to enhance our commitment to our employees’ physical well-being and complement our medical insurance benefits. We believe that a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, translates into increased productivity at the work place. During the Covid-19 pandemic where all gyms were closed and most employees worked from home, the Fund encouraged employees through their wellness champions to devise other ways of exercising to stay healthy.

Employee counselling services

Socioeconomic factors generally trigger different categories of stress, which affect individuals at different life stages. Our employees’ well-being is supported by our constructive relationships with well-being service partners, both internally and externally. These include access to free counselling services for employees and their immediate families through our independent services provider M/S Healing Talk Counselling Services.


Counsellors follow a strict, professional code of ethics to protect personal privacy. All Fund employees and their immediate dependents can use the counselling services at no cost to the employee.

Wellness programme

The Fund has a wellness and fitness programme to enhance our commitment to our employees’ physical well-being and complement our medical insurance benefits. We believe that a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, translates into increased productivity at the work place. During the Covid-19 pandemic where all gyms were closed and most employees worked from home, the Fund encouraged employees through their wellness champions to devise other ways of exercising to stay healthy.

Employee counselling services

Socioeconomic factors generally trigger different categories of stress, which affect individuals at different life stages. Our employees’ well-being is supported by our constructive relationships with well-being service partners, both internally and externally. These include access to free counselling services for employees and their immediate families through our independent services provider M/S Healing Talk Counselling Services.


Counsellors follow a strict, professional code of ethics to protect personal privacy. All Fund employees and their immediate dependents can use the counselling services at no cost to the employee.

Employee engagement and communication

Employee engagement

We strive for a harmonious and productive working environment based on trust and cooperation.


We believe employee engagement should be a two-way exercise with equal weight placed on listening to our employees and on keeping them informed. We want to be able to consider our employees’ perspectives when we make decisions, including at the most senior level.


We conduct an annual employee engagement survey that enables employees to provide feedback, and in the last two years employee engagement has been above 90%.

Our employees engaging together in the spirit of teamwork

Our management team is equally assessed through a 360-degree review that enables employees to give feedback to their leaders, peers or direct reports. This feedback helps management identify areas of leadership strength as well as areas for development improvement.

Employee engagement and communication

Employee engagement

We strive for a harmonious and productive working environment based on trust and cooperation.


We believe employee engagement should be a two-way exercise with equal weight placed on listening to our employees and on keeping them informed. We want to be able to consider our employees’ perspectives when we make decisions, including at the most senior level.


We conduct an annual employee engagement survey that enables employees to provide feedback, and in the last two years employee engagement has been above 90%.

Our employees engaging together in the spirit of teamwork

Our management team is equally assessed through a 360-degree review that enables employees to give feedback to their leaders, peers or direct reports. This feedback helps management identify areas of leadership strength as well as areas for development improvement.

Communication channels

Maintaining various channels of communication among members of staff is an ingrained part of the NSSF culture.

Several initiatives took place to engage with employees:

Managing Director’s Quarterly Town Halls

  • Staff were updated on key business issues and were encouraged ask questions

Departmental/Sectional team building activities

  • Held for staff to interact with their colleagues away from the day-to-day office activity

The annual employee connect week

  • Designed to help managers interact with employees and create a rapport that is necessary to move the Fund forward and also achieve the set-out targets

Human Resource Roadshows

  • To discuss the action plans based on the employee engagement survey. The HR Week was conducted during the period where the HR team travelled across all branches to engage with employees at different locations

The Annual Staff Conference

  • Management communicated key information to all staff

Several online communication platforms have been established to encourage employees to “speak”. The intranet is the focal point of our communications with daily updates across NSSF in Uganda and in the region.

We have created an environment with opportunities for people from all walks of life

Communication channels

Maintaining various channels of communication among members of staff is an ingrained part of the NSSF culture.

Several initiatives took place to engage with employees:

Managing Director’s Quarterly Town Halls

  • Staff were updated on key business issues and were encouraged ask questions

Departmental/Sectional team building activities

  • Held for staff to interact with their colleagues away from the day-to-day office activity

The annual employee connect week

  • Designed to help managers interact with employees and create a rapport that is necessary to move the Fund forward and also achieve the set-out targets

Human Resource Roadshows

  • To discuss the action plans based on the employee engagement survey. The HR Week was conducted during the period where the HR team travelled across all branches to engage with employees at different locations

The Annual Staff Conference

  • Management communicated key information to all staff

Several online communication platforms have been established to encourage employees to “speak”. The intranet is the focal point of our communications with daily updates across NSSF in Uganda and in the region.

We have created an environment with opportunities for people from all walks of life