Social Responsibility
Key Staff Initiatives

Social Responsibility
Key Staff Initiatives

Equal opportunities

Our philosophy is that everyone at the Fund is encouraged to be themselves, feel valued and belong. We are committed to building a diverse workforce with equal opportunities, fostering an inclusive culture and equity at its core. We have created an environment with opportunities for people of every culture, faith, ethnicity, heritage, ability, gender and age. We believe this commitment will enable us to take positive action for employees, better represent the Fund members we serve and support our sustainable business growth.


Our total workforce increased to 637 (2021: 631), mostly due to new hires in various departments. Total employee turnover decreased to 2.1% from 3.6% in 2021. Female employees make up 46% of our total workforce and comprise 22% of all managers.


We make decisions about recruitment, promotion, training and other employment matters solely on the grounds of individual ability, achievement, expertise and conduct. We do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, race, religion, ethnicity, cultural heritage, age, social background, mental or physical ability or disability, or any other reason not related to job performance

Equal opportunities

Our philosophy is that everyone at the Fund is encouraged to be themselves, feel valued and belong. We are committed to building a diverse workforce with equal opportunities, fostering an inclusive culture and equity at its core. We have created an environment with opportunities for people of every culture, faith, ethnicity, heritage, ability, gender and age. We believe this commitment will enable us to take positive action for employees, better represent the Fund members we serve and support our sustainable business growth.


Our total workforce increased to 637 (2021: 631), mostly due to new hires in various departments. Total employee turnover decreased to 2.1% from 3.6% in 2021. Female employees make up 46% of our total workforce and comprise 22% of all managers.


We make decisions about recruitment, promotion, training and other employment matters solely on the grounds of individual ability, achievement, expertise and conduct. We do not discriminate based on gender, gender identity, race, religion, ethnicity, cultural heritage, age, social background, mental or physical ability or disability, or any other reason not related to job performance

Remuneration and benefits


We pay salaries in line with appropriate market rates, as well as providing our people with a range of other benefits. Benefits include medical insurance, life insurance, leave concession allowance, gym for all staff and a staff retirement benefits scheme, among others. All permanent employees participate in our variable annual remuneration plan. We offer a consistent and competitive annual bonus to all permanent staff across the organisation.



We continue to provide medical insurance, group insurance and travel insurance to our staff members. In addition to the 60 working days of maternity leave for all mothers, the Fund also provides a breastfeeding hour every working day for the six months after a mother resumes work after childbirth.


To support young mothers at the Fund, we also introduced a crèche within our offices to allow breastfeeding mothers to bring their babies into the office.

Remuneration and benefits


We pay salaries in line with appropriate market rates, as well as providing our people with a range of other benefits. Benefits include medical insurance, life insurance, leave concession allowance, gym for all staff and a staff retirement benefits scheme, among others. All permanent employees participate in our variable annual remuneration plan. We offer a consistent and competitive annual bonus to all permanent staff across the organisation.



We continue to provide medical insurance, group insurance and travel insurance to our staff members. In addition to the 60 working days of maternity leave for all mothers, the Fund also provides a breastfeeding hour every working day for the six months after a mother resumes work after childbirth.


To support young mothers at the Fund, we also introduced a crèche within our offices to allow breastfeeding mothers to bring their babies into the office.

Human rights and labour issues

In the financial year 2021/2022, no incident of discrimination and violation involving human rights was recorded. In this regard, the Fund has the following policies:
  • Anti-sexual harassment policy
  • Anti-discrimination policy

Human rights and labour issues

In the financial year 2021/2022, no incident of discrimination and violation involving human rights was recorded. In this regard, the Fund has the following policies:
  • Anti-sexual harassment policy
  • Anti-discrimination policy

Development and succession planning

Lifelong learning

At the Fund, we believe that everyone has the potential to continuously grow. We are committed to cultivating a culture of lifelong learning and our development proposition is designed to support employees at every stage of their careers. A wide range of development opportunities is available to help employees build their careers, delivered through our various training platforms and courses.

We have several corporate memberships with industry experts, allowing our employees to remain up to date with the latest developments and trends. In line with our professional qualification guidance, the Fund encourages employees to study for degree programmes and professional qualifications that benefit the business and support their development. Learning has accelerated towards an interactive, self-directed, primarily digital experience that staff can access from anywhere at any time, on any device and at any pace. While the primary objective is for reskilling and upskilling employees for the new way of work, we also ensure that our employees gain skills and competencies regarding digital transformation – a critical requirement for the future.

Our online learning platform ensures the availability of innovative skills development tools and learning content for all our employees. In addition to training offered on our learning platform, employees are also able to attend specialised global training online. As a way of developing and improving employee skills, the Fund also runs internal secondment programmes where employees can learn new skills in different areas.

Below are some of the specific trainings undertaken by our various employees:
  • Female Leadership and Development Programme
  • Clarity 4D to evaluate strengths and development areas
  • Competency-based recruitment training
  • Leadership Development Programme for new managers

Training spend was UGX2.58Bn (2021: UGX 1.6 Bn)
Learning platform uptake for the FY 2021/2022 was 92% (2021: 92%)

Succession planning

The NSSF People Development and Succession Planning Framework reiterates the importance of succession planning and internal promotion and during FY2021/22, a total of 44 employees were promoted to various senior positions in the Fund.

Development and succession planning

Lifelong learning

At the Fund, we believe that everyone has the potential to continuously grow. We are committed to cultivating a culture of lifelong learning and our development proposition is designed to support employees at every stage of their careers. A wide range of development opportunities is available to help employees build their careers, delivered through our various training platforms and courses.

We have several corporate memberships with industry experts, allowing our employees to remain up to date with the latest developments and trends. In line with our professional qualification guidance, the Fund encourages employees to study for degree programmes and professional qualifications that benefit the business and support their development. Learning has accelerated towards an interactive, self-directed, primarily digital experience that staff can access from anywhere at any time, on any device and at any pace. While the primary objective is for reskilling and upskilling employees for the new way of work, we also ensure that our employees gain skills and competencies regarding digital transformation – a critical requirement for the future.

Our online learning platform ensures the availability of innovative skills development tools and learning content for all our employees. In addition to training offered on our learning platform, employees are also able to attend specialised global training online. As a way of developing and improving employee skills, the Fund also runs internal secondment programmes where employees can learn new skills in different areas.

Below are some of the specific trainings undertaken by our various employees:
  • Female Leadership and Development Programme
  • Clarity 4D to evaluate strengths and development areas
  • Competency-based recruitment training
  • Leadership Development Programme for new managers

Training spend was UGX2.58Bn (2021: UGX 1.6 Bn)
Learning platform uptake for the FY 2021/2022 was 92% (2021: 92%)

Succession planning

The NSSF People Development and Succession Planning Framework reiterates the importance of succession planning and internal promotion and during FY2021/22, a total of 44 employees were promoted to various senior positions in the Fund.

Performance management

Clear and measurable organisational, departmental and individual performance targets are set at the beginning of every financial year, so our employees know what is expected of them to focus their energy and efforts on what matters most.


Clear rating descriptions provide our employees with an indication of where they stand in their performance and growth journey.

Employee retention

Our objective is to foster a culture of excellence within the Fund, and talent retention is critical. The organisation rewards employees for long-term service and exceptional performance and achievement.


NSSF’s successful employee retention is evident from our employees’ length of service. The average tenure of our employees is about eight years. More than 55% of our employees have been with the Fund for more than five years.

Performance management

Clear and measurable organisational, departmental and individual performance targets are set at the beginning of every financial year, so our employees know what is expected of them to focus their energy and efforts on what matters most.


Clear rating descriptions provide our employees with an indication of where they stand in their performance and growth journey.

Employee retention

Our objective is to foster a culture of excellence within the Fund, and talent retention is critical. The organisation rewards employees for long-term service and exceptional performance and achievement.


NSSF’s successful employee retention is evident from our employees’ length of service. The average tenure of our employees is about eight years. More than 55% of our employees have been with the Fund for more than five years.

Achievements against staff performance measures

The key insights we use to measure staff engagement and satisfaction levels are based on the following performance metrics:

Description FY2021 Outcomes FY2022 Outcomes FY2022 Target FY2025 Target
Staff Engagement Index
Talent Management Index
Satisfaction rate with the overall wellness programme
Women as a % of promotions, secondments and project appointments
% of full-term staff trained in Finance Literacy/Advisory
At least 40% of staff regularly work on projects of high impact (self-created –through innovation)

Achievements against staff performance measures

The key insights we use to measure staff engagement and satisfaction levels are based on the following performance metrics:

Description FY2021 Outcomes FY2022 Outcomes FY2022 Target FY2025 Target
Staff Engagement Index
Talent Management Index
Satisfaction rate with the overall wellness programme
Women as a % of promotions, secondments and project appointments
% of full-term staff trained in Finance Literacy/Advisory
At least 40% of staff regularly work on projects of high impact (self-created –through innovation)