Stakeholder Engagement and
Value Creation

Stakeholder Engagement and Value Creation

Understanding our stakeholder needs and expectations

Understanding our stakeholder needs and expectations

Our purpose can only be realised through collaboration with our stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations. During the financial year, we positioned ourselves as an invaluable partner for anyone to take charge of their future for financial security and realise their dreams. We believe anyone and everyone deserves an opportunity to change the way their story ends especially in the ‘Now You Can’ universe, made possible through the NSSF Amendment Act 2022.


All our stakeholders have varying interests and we proactively engage with each of them on an ongoing basis to co-create solutions, refresh our markets, and make lives better. The Fund also engages with these groups to gain insights into their needs, perspectives, and share information about our strategy, practices, and performance. We widely share the responsibility for engaging with stakeholder groups across our Fund’s lines of business and corporate functions, and through numerous channels.


Stakeholders include oversight bodies, other government entities, trade unions, media, professional or trade associations, political bodies, specific individuals, service providers, members and management and staff of the Fund.

Our purpose can only be realised through collaboration with our stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations. During the financial year, we positioned ourselves as an invaluable partner for anyone to take charge of their future for financial security and realise their dreams. We believe anyone and everyone deserves an opportunity to change the way their story ends especially in the ‘Now You Can’ universe, made possible through the NSSF Amendment Act 2022.


All our stakeholders have varying interests and we proactively engage with each of them on an ongoing basis to co-create solutions, refresh our markets, and make lives better. The Fund also engages with these groups to gain insights into their needs, perspectives, and share information about our strategy, practices, and performance. We widely share the responsibility for engaging with stakeholder groups across our Fund’s lines of business and corporate functions, and through numerous channels.


Stakeholders include oversight bodies, other government entities, trade unions, media, professional or trade associations, political bodies, specific individuals, service providers, members and management and staff of the Fund.

Stakeholder communication

The Fund endeavors to communicate effectively and consistently with all key stakeholders depending on each stakeholder’s information needs and the Fund’s communication strategy. The strategy informs the kind of communication, methods of communication, and frequency of communication for each stakeholder. Through communication, the Fund seeks to build understanding with key stakeholders, encouraging consistent dialogue and building trust.


The Fund provides platforms through which stakeholders can participate in its activities, and decisions where applicable, as well as provide actionable feedback to the Fund.


We engage with these groups on an ongoing basis to gain insight into their needs and perspectives, as well as to share information about the Fund’s strategy, practices, and performance. Responsibility for engaging with stakeholder groups is widely shared across the Fund’s lines of business and corporate functions, and we engage through numerous channels.

Stakeholder communication

The Fund endeavors to communicate effectively and consistently with all key stakeholders depending on each stakeholder’s information needs and the Fund’s communication strategy. The strategy informs the kind of communication, methods of communication, and frequency of communication for each stakeholder. Through communication, the Fund seeks to build understanding with key stakeholders, encouraging consistent dialogue and building trust.


The Fund provides platforms through which stakeholders can participate in its activities, and decisions where applicable, as well as provide actionable feedback to the Fund.


We engage with these groups on an ongoing basis to gain insight into their needs and perspectives, as well as to share information about the Fund’s strategy, practices, and performance. Responsibility for engaging with stakeholder groups is widely shared across the Fund’s lines of business and corporate functions, and we engage through numerous channels.

Stakeholder management and governance

A Board approved Stakeholder Engagement/Management Policy guides stakeholder management and governance, in line with the Fund’s overall business objectives.


The Board, through the Staff and Corporate Affairs Committee, has the ultimate responsibility for our stakeholder engagement.

Quality of stakeholder relationships

We measure the quality of stakeholder relationships through defined metrics to monitor satisfaction levels on an ongoing basis.


Overall, for the period under review, we believe that through focused engagement with our stakeholders, we have maintained healthy and mutually rewarding relationships.

Stakeholder management and governance

A Board approved Stakeholder Engagement/Management Policy guides stakeholder management and governance, in line with the Fund’s overall business objectives.


The Board, through the Staff and Corporate Affairs Committee, has the ultimate responsibility for our stakeholder engagement.

Quality of stakeholder relationships

We measure the quality of stakeholder relationships through defined metrics to monitor satisfaction levels on an ongoing basis.


Overall, for the period under review, we believe that through focused engagement with our stakeholders, we have maintained healthy and mutually rewarding relationships.

Stakeholder interest and influence matrix

Stakeholder interest and influence matrix

Below, we demonstrate our commitment, engagement, and quality of our relationships with key stakeholders through the value we have delivered.

Below, we demonstrate our commitment, engagement, and quality of our relationships with key stakeholders through the value we have delivered.

our stakeholders - CUSTOMERS

Strategic goal

  • Customers drive our business and through our collaborations we enable solutions that help make savings a way of life for our members


  • Inability to engage and educate members and the public on opportunities to save as per the NSSF Amendment Act 2022

Mitigating response and opportunities

  • Take charge of your future awareness and education campaigns
  • Innovate and rollout appealing products and benefits to facilitate willingness to save long term

Did we deliver?

  • Started implementing provisions of the National Social Security Fund (Amendment) Act 2022, providing us with limitless opportunities
  • Implemented the midterm benefit and paid out UGX440.6Bn to 21,668 qualifying members, from March 2022 to June 2022, contributing to SDG 1
  • Achieved overall customer satisfaction index of 82%

Why we

  • Understand our changing client needs
  • Build and provide limitless opportunities to make savings a way of life
  • Build sustainability of the Fund’s business
  • Reputation management

Limitless opportunities for our Members

  • Excellent customer experience
  • Efficiency through innovation
  • Create new products and benefits to meet changing needs
  • Convenience, trust, and responsibility
  • Long-term financial sustainability
  • Long-term business growth and strategy


  • Annual Members Meeting in September 2021
  • Annual Customer Connect Week
  • Financial Literacy programme cohorts
  • Hi-Innovator programme for innovative start-ups
  • Customer surveys and feedback
  • Ongoing human and digital interactions


  • Maintained timely turnaround times for payment of midterm benefits to qualifying members
  • Offered a profitable and competitive return on members savings
  • Increased financial skills and knowledge
  • Increased customer engagement

our stakeholders - CUSTOMERS

Strategic goal

  • Customers drive our business and through our collaborations we enable solutions that help make savings a way of life for our members


  • Inability to engage and educate members and the public on opportunities to save as per the NSSF Amendment Act 2022

Mitigating response and opportunities

  • Take charge of your future awareness and education campaigns
  • Innovate and rollout appealing products and benefits to facilitate willingness to save long term

Did we deliver?

  • Started implementing provisions of the National Social Security Fund (Amendment) Act 2022, providing us with limitless opportunities
  • Implemented the midterm benefit and paid out UGX440.6Bn to 21,668 qualifying members, from March 2022 to June 2022, contributing to SDG 1
  • Achieved overall customer satisfaction index of 82%

Why we

  • Understand our changing client needs
  • Build and provide limitless opportunities to make savings a way of life
  • Build sustainability of the Fund’s business
  • Reputation management

Limitless opportunities for our Members

  • Excellent customer experience
  • Efficiency through innovation
  • Create new products and benefits to meet changing needs
  • Convenience, trust, and responsibility
  • Long-term financial sustainability
  • Long-term business growth and strategy


  • Annual Members Meeting in September 2021
  • Annual Customer Connect Week
  • Financial Literacy programme cohorts
  • Hi-Innovator programme for innovative start-ups
  • Customer surveys and feedback
  • Ongoing human and digital interactions


  • Maintained timely turnaround times for payment of midterm benefits to qualifying members
  • Offered a profitable and competitive return on members savings
  • Increased financial skills and knowledge
  • Increased customer engagement

our stakeholders - EMPLOYEES

Strategic goal

  • Providing purposeful knowledge, skills and experience required for the successful operation of our business


  • Inability to attract, retain and motivate staff could impact negatively on service delivery, thereby leading to negative reputation

Mitigating response and opportunities

  • Provide a strong employee value proposition

Did we deliver?

  • Achieved an employee engagement rating of 92%
  • Ensured an incident and injury free working environment
  • Continued to create a work environment for employees to thrive, contributing to SDG 3 and 8
  • Implemented training and development to upskill our employees on new requirements following the Fund restructure


Why we

  • We are driven by a passion for our people and endeavour to address their concerns and needs
  • Corporate reputation
  • Transformation
  • Security of employment
  • Performance management
  • Reward and recognition
  • Career progression
  • Education and training

Limitless opportunities for our People

  • Employment security
  • Growth, learning and development opportunities
  • Recognition, reward, and benefits
  • Provide enabling tools
  • Improved communication and engagement
  • Transformation across the Fund


  • Board engagements with staff
  • Quarterly town hall meetings with management and CEO
  • Holistic health and wellness programme for staff and their families
  • Empathy drive on midterm benefit experience
  • Engagement and consultations with social partners on labour relation matters
  • Participation in internal Hi-Innovator programme
  • Various platforms are used to improve communication across the Fund and employees are encouraged to participate in two-way communication


  • Knowledgeable, creative and skilled staff
  • Reward and recognition
  • Leadership growth and promotion
  • Seamless work experiences
  • Implementation of policies on human rights, equal opportunities, labour conditions, ethical conduct, and environmental protection in the workplace
  • Supported mental and physical wellbeing of our staff

our stakeholders - EMPLOYEES

Strategic goal

  • Providing purposeful knowledge, skills and experience required for the successful operation of our business


  • Inability to attract, retain and motivate staff could impact negatively on service delivery, thereby leading to negative reputation

Mitigating response and opportunities

  • Provide a strong employee value proposition

Did we deliver?

  • Achieved an employee engagement rating of 92%
  • Ensured an incident and injury free working environment
  • Continued to create a work environment for employees to thrive, contributing to SDG 3 and 8
  • Implemented training and development to upskill our employees on new requirements following the Fund restructure


Why we

  • We are driven by a passion for our people and endeavour to address their concerns and needs
  • Corporate reputation
  • Transformation
  • Security of employment
  • Performance management
  • Reward and recognition
  • Career progression
  • Education and training

Limitless opportunities for our People

  • Employment security
  • Growth, learning and development opportunities
  • Recognition, reward, and benefits
  • Provide enabling tools
  • Improved communication and engagement
  • Transformation across the Fund


  • Board engagements with staff
  • Quarterly town hall meetings with management and CEO
  • Holistic health and wellness programme for staff and their families
  • Empathy drive on midterm benefit experience
  • Engagement and consultations with social partners on labour relation matters
  • Participation in internal Hi-Innovator programme
  • Various platforms are used to improve communication across the Fund and employees are encouraged to participate in two-way communication


  • Knowledgeable, creative and skilled staff
  • Reward and recognition
  • Leadership growth and promotion
  • Seamless work experiences
  • Implementation of policies on human rights, equal opportunities, labour conditions, ethical conduct, and environmental protection in the workplace
  • Supported mental and physical wellbeing of our staff


Strategic goal

  • Develop and enforce legislation and associated regulations which have a major influence on Fund operations


  • Lack of awareness of the legal and regulatory changes leading to an inability to meet regulatory requirements, compliance, and potential damage to reputation

Mitigating response and opportunities

  • A compliance strategy, incorporating the compliance universe, monitoring, and reporting mechanisms, as well as a sensitisation programme is in place

Did we deliver?

  • Contributed to a better understanding and faster implementation of the NSSF Amendment Act 2022 to include Midterm Age Benefit
  • Paid out a total of UGX 440.6Bn worth of benefits to over 22,099 eligible customers
  • Realigned the Fund’s organisational structure to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the new law
  • Supported realisation of SDG10

Why we

  • Creation of sustained value for the Fund’s stakeholders and members
  • Regulatory development and advocacy
  • Ensure compliance and audit engagements
  • Technical input and information sharing
  • Incident management
  • Partner to develop longer-term technology roadmaps to support continuous innovation which is crucial to improve our products and services

Limitless opportunities with our regulators & government

  • Support and implement the NSSF Amendment Act 2022
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Good corporate governance
  • Control and supervision
  • Tax contributions
  • Fair employment contracts


  • Engaged Parliament, Ministry of Labour and Gender, Ministry of Finance, URBRA, and trade unions in relation to enactment of the NSSF Amendment Act 2022
  • Ongoing discussions and engagements with PPDA, URA (Uganda Revenue Authority) and URBRA on issues of investment, procurement, taxes, and policy
  • Engagement with legislators and trade unions on key themes relating to midterm access
  • Meeting with our regulators and policymakers, providing opportunities for us to hear first-hand about their priorities and to keep them informed about developments in our business


  • Started implementing the NSSF Amendment Act 2022 assented to by the President
  • Implemented the Midterm Age Benefits access
  • All our activities and operations complied with the existing legal and regulatory requirements
  • Constantly monitored, evaluated, and audited our operations
  • Procurements processed using e-Government procurement system, and complied to the provisions of the PPDA amended Act of 2021


Strategic goal

  • Develop and enforce legislation and associated regulations which have a major influence on Fund operations


  • Lack of awareness of the legal and regulatory changes leading to an inability to meet regulatory requirements, compliance, and potential damage to reputation

Mitigating response and opportunities

  • A compliance strategy, incorporating the compliance universe, monitoring, and reporting mechanisms, as well as a sensitisation programme is in place

Did we deliver?

  • Contributed to a better understanding and faster implementation of the NSSF Amendment Act 2022 to include Midterm Age Benefit
  • Paid out a total of UGX 440.6Bn worth of benefits to over 22,099 eligible customers
  • Realigned the Fund’s organisational structure to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the new law
  • Supported realisation of SDG10

Why we

  • Creation of sustained value for the Fund’s stakeholders and members
  • Regulatory development and advocacy
  • Ensure compliance and audit engagements
  • Technical input and information sharing
  • Incident management
  • Partner to develop longer-term technology roadmaps to support continuous innovation which is crucial to improve our products and services

Limitless opportunities with our regulators & government

  • Support and implement the NSSF Amendment Act 2022
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Good corporate governance
  • Control and supervision
  • Tax contributions
  • Fair employment contracts


  • Engaged Parliament, Ministry of Labour and Gender, Ministry of Finance, URBRA, and trade unions in relation to enactment of the NSSF Amendment Act 2022
  • Ongoing discussions and engagements with PPDA, URA (Uganda Revenue Authority) and URBRA on issues of investment, procurement, taxes, and policy
  • Engagement with legislators and trade unions on key themes relating to midterm access
  • Meeting with our regulators and policymakers, providing opportunities for us to hear first-hand about their priorities and to keep them informed about developments in our business


  • Started implementing the NSSF Amendment Act 2022 assented to by the President
  • Implemented the Midterm Age Benefits access
  • All our activities and operations complied with the existing legal and regulatory requirements
  • Constantly monitored, evaluated, and audited our operations
  • Procurements processed using e-Government procurement system, and complied to the provisions of the PPDA amended Act of 2021

our stakeholders - industry associations

Strategic goal

  • Address social security-related developments, concerns, and initiatives and sharing lessons and best practice


  • Lack of engagements leading to inability to meet regulatory requirements, compliance, and damage to reputation

Mitigating response and opportunities

  • A compliance strategy, incorporating the compliance universe, monitoring, and reporting mechanisms, as well as a sensitisation programme is in place
  • Proactive engagement and collaboration with industry associations

Did we deliver?

  • Proactive engagement and regulatory advocacy initiatives
  • Mutually beneficial collaborations with local and regional industry associations to include URBRA, International Social Security Association, East and Central Africa Social Security Association
  • Contributed to broader, industry-wide action on improving the quality and effectiveness of social security services
  • Supported realisation of SDG17

Why we

  • Keep abreast of regulatory developments and standards and respond to new  requirements
  • Regulatory advocacy
  • Training and awareness

Limitless opportunities with our industry associations

  • Participate in industry-led initiatives pertaining to policy and law
  • Business and sector forum engagement and participation
  • Capacity building initiatives


  • Proactive engagement and regulatory advocacy initiatives with Midterm Age Benefit and NSSF Amendment Act 2022
  • Virtual forums with International Social Security Association-East and Central Africa Social Security Association as part of capacity building initiatives
  • Collaborated with URA, PPDA, Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development to build and improve relationships


  • Improved procurement and compliance efficiencies
  • Provided platforms for broader actions on sustainable development

our stakeholders - industry associations

Strategic goal

  • Address social security-related developments, concerns, and initiatives and sharing lessons and best practice


  • Lack of engagements leading to inability to meet regulatory requirements, compliance, and damage to reputation

Mitigating response and opportunities

  • A compliance strategy, incorporating the compliance universe, monitoring, and reporting mechanisms, as well as a sensitisation programme is in place
  • Proactive engagement and collaboration with industry associations

Did we deliver?

  • Proactive engagement and regulatory advocacy initiatives
  • Mutually beneficial collaborations with local and regional industry associations to include URBRA, International Social Security Association, East and Central Africa Social Security Association
  • Contributed to broader, industry-wide action on improving the quality and effectiveness of social security services
  • Supported realisation of SDG17

Why we

  • Keep abreast of regulatory developments and standards and respond to new  requirements
  • Regulatory advocacy
  • Training and awareness

Limitless opportunities with our industry associations

  • Participate in industry-led initiatives pertaining to policy and law
  • Business and sector forum engagement and participation
  • Capacity building initiatives


  • Proactive engagement and regulatory advocacy initiatives with Midterm Age Benefit and NSSF Amendment Act 2022
  • Virtual forums with International Social Security Association-East and Central Africa Social Security Association as part of capacity building initiatives
  • Collaborated with URA, PPDA, Ministry of Gender, Labour, and Social Development to build and improve relationships


  • Improved procurement and compliance efficiencies
  • Provided platforms for broader actions on sustainable development

our stakeholders - suppliers

Strategic goal

  • Through our purchasing procedures, we aim to treat our suppliers fairly and ensure our activities are unbiased and responsible


  • Engaging and enlisting unscrupulous suppliers could lead to conflicts of interest, bribery and poor service delivery impacting negatively on our reputation

Mitigating response and opportunities

  • The process for supplier selection and authorisation includes checking suitability of existing suppliers and their compliance with statutory regulations and obligations
  • We have a controlled procurement process to include a supplier scorecard to prevent any supplier gaining an unfair advantage

Did we deliver?

  • Effectively engaged and shared information with suppliers
  • Effectively managed the various contracts as issued
  • Procurement efficiency was rated at 92%
  • Overall supplier satisfaction rate of 98%
  • Contributed to Sustainable Procurement programme to include supplier development and evaluation
  • Supported realisation of SDG17

Why we

  • Define technical specifications to ensure mutually acceptable terms and conditions for continued partnership
  • To ensure prompt and uninterrupted delivery of materials/services
  • Resolution of operational matters

Limitless opportunities for our Suppliers

  • Ensure responsible purchasing
  • Support local suppliers
  • Ensure prompt payment schedules


  • Supplier Forum in June 2022
  • Engaged with PPDA and commenced using the e-Government procurement system
  • Engaged with suppliers during the procurement process


  • Our supplier approach is shaped by our Sustainable Procurement Charter
  • Engaged more than 1,941 suppliers at the annual Supplier Forum
  • Promoted supplier competitiveness
  • Contributed to digitising procurement processes

our stakeholders - suppliers

Strategic goal

  • Through our purchasing procedures, we aim to treat our suppliers fairly and ensure our activities are unbiased and responsible


  • Engaging and enlisting unscrupulous suppliers could lead to conflicts of interest, bribery and poor service delivery impacting negatively on our reputation

Mitigating response and opportunities

  • The process for supplier selection and authorisation includes checking suitability of existing suppliers and their compliance with statutory regulations and obligations
  • We have a controlled procurement process to include a supplier scorecard to prevent any supplier gaining an unfair advantage

Did we deliver?

  • Effectively engaged and shared information with suppliers
  • Effectively managed the various contracts as issued
  • Procurement efficiency was rated at 92%
  • Overall supplier satisfaction rate of 98%
  • Contributed to Sustainable Procurement programme to include supplier development and evaluation
  • Supported realisation of SDG17

Why we

  • Define technical specifications to ensure mutually acceptable terms and conditions for continued partnership
  • To ensure prompt and uninterrupted delivery of materials/services
  • Resolution of operational matters

Limitless opportunities for our Suppliers

  • Ensure responsible purchasing
  • Support local suppliers
  • Ensure prompt payment schedules


  • Supplier Forum in June 2022
  • Engaged with PPDA and commenced using the e-Government procurement system
  • Engaged with suppliers during the procurement process


  • Our supplier approach is shaped by our Sustainable Procurement Charter
  • Engaged more than 1,941 suppliers at the annual Supplier Forum
  • Promoted supplier competitiveness
  • Contributed to digitising procurement processes

our stakeholders - communities

Strategic goal

  • Commitment to be accountable as a responsible corporate citizen and a valuable partner in making lives better by uplifting society and promoting economic growth


  • The inability to create a positive and sustainable impact on the communities within which we operate has a negative impact on the sustainability of our operations and the economy at large

Mitigating response and opportunities

  • Supported realisation of SDGs1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 and 13

Did we deliver?

  • Over 60,000 university finalists registered through the Career Expo over the years have a cumulative total of UGX 36.4Bn in savings, having joined formal employment
  • Continued to improve the financial lives of our members and communities
  • Participated in the creation and generation of wealth for small local businesses with a target of at least 132,000 job opportunities for youth and women by 2025

Why we

  • Understand our communities’ needs and expectations
  • Create awareness about the nature of our business
  • Provide support to transform local communities and people

Limitless opportunities within our communities

  • Community support initiatives
  • Social and financial wellbeing
  • Skills development
  • Opportunities for local employment and economic growth


  • Corporate Social Investment initiatives
  • Annual virtual and physical engagement programmes
  • Radio and television shows
  • Financial wellness and Hi-Innovator programmes


  • Engaged 16,000 students both physically and online in 11 universities that participated in the NSSF Career Expo
  • Registered an uptake of 445,309 participants in the Financial Literacy programme
  • Funded over 28 business start-ups, each receiving grant financing of $30,000 (about UGX108m) through the Hi-Innovator programme supported by Master Card Foundation
  • Rolled out the Hi-Innovator academy offering free basic entrepreneurship courses to support skills development
  • Successfully conducted the Customer Connect Week with a total reach of 2,343,235 people

our stakeholders - communities

Strategic goal

  • Commitment to be accountable as a responsible corporate citizen and a valuable partner in making lives better by uplifting society and promoting economic growth


  • The inability to create a positive and sustainable impact on the communities within which we operate has a negative impact on the sustainability of our operations and the economy at large

Mitigating response and opportunities

  • Supported realisation of SDGs1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 and 13

Did we deliver?

  • Over 60,000 university finalists registered through the Career Expo over the years have a cumulative total of UGX 36.4Bn in savings, having joined formal employment
  • Continued to improve the financial lives of our members and communities
  • Participated in the creation and generation of wealth for small local businesses with a target of at least 132,000 job opportunities for youth and women by 2025

Why we

  • Understand our communities’ needs and expectations
  • Create awareness about the nature of our business
  • Provide support to transform local communities and people

Limitless opportunities within our communities

  • Community support initiatives
  • Social and financial wellbeing
  • Skills development
  • Opportunities for local employment and economic growth


  • Corporate Social Investment initiatives
  • Annual virtual and physical engagement programmes
  • Radio and television shows
  • Financial wellness and Hi-Innovator programmes


  • Engaged 16,000 students both physically and online in 11 universities that participated in the NSSF Career Expo
  • Registered an uptake of 445,309 participants in the Financial Literacy programme
  • Funded over 28 business start-ups, each receiving grant financing of $30,000 (about UGX108m) through the Hi-Innovator programme supported by Master Card Foundation
  • Rolled out the Hi-Innovator academy offering free basic entrepreneurship courses to support skills development
  • Successfully conducted the Customer Connect Week with a total reach of 2,343,235 people